Acupuncture is a natural treatment where fine needles are inserted through the skin at specific points to create a healing reaction that assists with the free flow of your Qi and to balance your Yin and Yang.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine that has been used for thousands of years to treat pain, reduce stress, and increase overall wellness. Traditional Chinese Medicine is believed to be the oldest classified system of medicine in the world. It is based on a philosophy that treats the whole person by encouraging the body to heal itself.
In Chinese philosophy, Yin and Yang represent the complicated power struggle of our body, mind, and spirit in its quest to achieve balance. When this balance is compromised, the smooth flow of energy called ‘Qi’ (pronounced ‘chee’) which is our ‘vital energy’ becomes blocked. It is believed that imbalance or blockages within our body weakens our Qi, which could eventually manifest as disease.
Acupuncture aims to assist the Qi to flow smoothly. Traditional Chinese Medicine maintains that by allowing the return of smooth flowing Qi, it activates homeostasis, which is the body’s natural regulator. It is said that by design, your body has the ability to heal itself, if given the right environment. Providing your body with the right environment can provide relief of symptoms that impact your lifestyle.
Acupuncture at Ultra Health Therapies
Our practitioners are trained to listen to your body to determine a diagnosis and the best course of treatment. This ‘listening’ ability has been taught to Acupuncture practitioners for more than two thousand years and is a hands-on way of evaluating the body within its structured understanding of Yin and Yang, Qi, blood and fluids.
At Ultra Health Therapies, our Gold Coast Acupuncturists listen first and treat second. This is to ensure that you are receiving the right treatment for your body. Our Acupuncturists are here to support you and assist you to live a life of amazing health and vitality.
Acupuncture was designed as a treatment of prevention. For the best results, it was used on a healthy individual with an acute condition. Unfortunately, with our western style of living, we have a tendency not to seek help until the injury impacts our lifestyle dramatically. To achieve a successful outcome is an individual journey, as no two people are alike. The practitioners at Ultra Health Therapies will guide you through this process to best suit your individual needs.
Potential Acupuncture Benefits
Japanese-style Acupuncture
Japanese-style Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as developed and practised in Japan.
Throughout history, Japan has endeavoured to hold fast to their own traditions, but also embrace change. At Ultra Health Therapies, we believe that Japanese-style Acupuncture balances traditional medicine with modern medicine and aligns with the philosophies of Western allopathic medicine as practised here in Australia.
A small community of Australian practitioners of Chinese Medicine have embraced the Japanese-style Acupuncture as a more hands-on methodology. This style of treatment has been welcomed by those who are more sensitive or suffer from chronic conditions.
Shonishin is a method that was developed specifically for the treatment of children. Shonishin treatment uses techniques that require little to no insertive needling. This gentle method of treatment provides relaxation which may assist in the balancing of Qi in the fight to return the body, mind, and spirit to health.
Respect for oneself and each other is human philosophy. Respect for the client, their Qi or life force, is a fundamental principle throughout Japanese-style Acupuncture and is a principle that we, at Ultra Health Therapies aspire to every day.
Korean Hand Acupuncture Therapy
Korean Hand Acupuncture Therapy (KHT) or ‘Sooji Chim’ is a modern approach to ancient knowledge using a form of acupuncture and massage that aims to bring the body back into balance through the hands.
The hands are the blueprint to the body’s universe. Stimulating precise points on the hands may assist in alleviating pain felt anywhere in the body and restore balance to the internal organs, potentially preventing disease and discomfort.
Korean Hand Therapy is a micro-acupuncture and reflex system. Tiny needles only 2mm in diameter are sometimes used however, it can be practised with pellets or even simply by applying pressure to specific points on the hand.
Korean Hand Therapy can be used as a stand-alone treatment or used to enhance Traditional Chinese Acupuncture and other modalities.
The hands have long been a symbol of compassion and healing. At Ultra Health Therapies, we hold these values and allow your hands to become an extension of one of your greatest healers; yourself.
Kiiko Matsumoto Style Acupuncture
Kiiko Matsumoto is an esteemed and internationally renowned senior practitioner from Japan. Her approach to acupuncture is gentle in style and uses palpation or the use of touch to find and address the root cause of discomfort and pain felt within the body.
At Ultra Health Therapies, our practitioners who are trained in Kiiko style of Acupuncture use palpation (or touch) to create a map of the patient’s imbalances, known as ‘reflexes’. The practitioner assists to release these areas which may cause a domino-like effect, alleviating symptoms felt throughout the body, restoring balance and wellbeing.
At Ultra Health Therapies, we prioritise gentle healing and aspire to ensure your journey to wellness is as soothing and effective as possible, and the Kiiko style of Acupuncture aligns well with these principles.
Moxibustion is the art of applying a burning herb called mugwort in various ways to appropriate points on the body to facilitate healing.
Moxibustion may be used alone or in combination with Acupuncture. The purpose of Moxibustion is to warm and invigorate the body systems to unblock any obstructions that may be present.
Historically, Moxibustion has been widely used as a home remedy. It was often used by members of a family in the treatment and prevention of cold and flu, digestive upsets, and joint pain.
Not all practitioners include Moxibustion in their Acupuncture treatments. If this is a preferred part of your Acupuncture treatment, then please let us know before you book your appointment.
Meet Our Gold Coast Acupuncturists in Southport
Start your journey to optimum wellbeing with Acupuncture
Since 2012 all Chinese medicine practitioners must be registered under the national registration and accreditation scheme with the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (CMBA) and meet the Board’s Registration Standards to practice in Australia. All of our practitioners at Ultra Health Therapies are accredited and registered.
FAQ’s about Acupuncture
Does Acupuncture hurt?
This is a common question and the answer will change depending on the Acupuncture Practitioner. At Ultra Health Therapies, we don’t like to give a client more pain as a treatment style. Our Gold Coast Acupuncturists have been trained to provide a therapeutic result without causing more discomfort. If one area of the body is too sensitive, different Acupuncture points may be used to effectively manage your condition. Often, it is easier to move to another area of the body to ensure the best treatment outcome is achieved.
How can little pins help?
This is the magic of your body working. Research is still trying to figure out a purely scientific point of view, but essentially studies do agree that the needles themselves don’t hold the magic. It is the body’s response to the needles being inserted into the skin that works its own magic. Functional MRI’s, blood tests, and temperature monitors have given us a little insight into the complexity of the healing response of the body. The simple answer is the body heals itself and the pins are just helping us to focus the message.
How long does Acupuncture take to work?
Once the pin is inserted into the skin, a message is received by the body. The body works in consequence with the message is received. If you are relatively healthy, have no complications, your condition is not acute, and you suffer no long-standing issues, the results may take between one to three acupuncture treatments. If you have done yourself no favours, worn your body out, had several operations, sleep at irregular hours, etc. it could take longer, or Acupuncture may not be the right fit for you.
Having said this, as an Acupuncture practitioner, the hardest thing is to estimate how long a person will take to heal. There are a few indicators that your practitioner will be looking for between each treatment and after seeing how you respond, he/she should have a determination that will be a close estimation.
What should I do after having an Acupuncture treatment?
It is best to stay relaxed after receiving Acupuncture treatment. The body has been given a message to heal, so let it. Choose your Acupuncture therapy appointment time to be after the big shopping spree, going to the gym, or doing the housework, and not just before any of these intense activities.
Should I exercise before or after Acupuncture?
It is best to have Acupuncture therapy after exercise. You have already stimulated the movement of blood during exercise and having Acupuncture therapy afterwards may help to focus the healing message.
Should I eat before an Acupuncture treatment?
Yes, it is always good to have eaten one to two hours before your Acupuncture session. Having Acupuncture on an empty stomach may contribute to lightheadedness during treatment which is not helpful.
Can I have Acupuncture treatment more than once a week?
Yes, sometimes if a person in extreme pain or who is not sleeping well, has multiple Acupuncture treatments per week, they may experience quick relief initially. Sleep is very important to our health and longevity. Therefore, if pain relief is the primary focus until a good night’s sleep can be restored, this may mean coming in more than once a week initially.
Typically, once a week is sufficient for three to four weeks and then your condition can be reassessed.
What can I expect after a treatment?
The most common effect of Acupuncture is a sense of wellbeing. The body may feel lighter, and you may feel calmer and more present.
How long does it take for Acupuncture to work?
The message Acupuncture sends to the body is immediate. However, the way the body interprets the message may take a little longer. When people ask this question, they are often asking how long it will it take before they get better. It depends on the type of issue you are seeking to resolve, how long you have had the issue, what condition your physical health is in, and your current lifestyle. Remember, it is the body that heals itself.
To help improve the body’s healing response is part of the discussion the Acupuncture practitioner may have with you throughout your treatments to help educate you, encourage you, and monitor your progress.
Can Acupuncture be used on babies and children?
Acupuncture may be used on young children and babies, however, at Ultra Health Therapies, we use a non-assertive methodology call Shonishin, as set out in this discussion previously.
If I’m already seeing another practitioner, would Acupuncture work as well?
Yes, you may combine different therapies with Acupuncture at Ultra Health Therapies. Please talk to your practitioner about how to use the combined therapies to achieve the result you are seeking. Each case is unique and therefore assessed separately.
I have a phobia of needles. Is Acupuncture suitable for me?
Perhaps in this case Acupuncture is not your first choice as a therapy. But if you are considering it, you do have quite a few options. Toyohari trained Acupuncturists use a non-insertive technique which may be quite effective for the treatment of children and people who suffer from chronic pain and have a phobia of needles.
Another option is treating the whole body through the ears. The ears are used as a direct feed to the brain and to help change the message of pain the body is receiving. Typically, little seeds, tiny magnets, or very thin, short needles are available and used on specific areas on the ear. This is called Auricular Acupuncture, and although the use of needling the ears began centuries ago in China, it has been expanded to be used today by paramilitary personnel for trauma treatment. It is used in treating withdrawal symptoms from drugs or addictive cravings as well as stress relief.
I hate going to the Doctor for injections. How is Acupuncture different as it also uses needles?
The needles your Doctor uses are typically for vaccination or a vitamin infusion and is called a hypodermic needle. These types of needles are not used in Acupuncture, as there is no distribution of fluid from a syringe when being treated by an Acupuncturist. Typically, an Acupuncture needle is more like a pin.
The needles used at Ultra Health Therapies are so thin, they will bend when placed on the body and pressure is applied. A guide tube is used to insert the ‘pin’ on specific areas of the body to assist elicit a sensation of relaxation.