Optimising your health and wellbeing through a holistic approach.

At Ultra Health Therapies, our Gold Coast holistic health practitioners work together to achieve optimum wellbeing.

We believe that optimum wellbeing is achieved through the balance of the body, mind, and soul. You know your body best and our Gold Coast holistic health practitioners always listen first and treat second. We provide supportive and tailored natural treatments to empower you to take control of your health holistically. Our team of caring and knowledgeable holistic health practitioners work together to create combined treatments to support you on your journey to optimum health, naturally.

With the combined holistic health treatments available under one roof, Ultra Health Therapies’ practitioners are available to treat a wide range of issues from hormonal imbalances, to age-related disorders, chronic pain, stress and fertility and pregnancy. Our aim is to help you with practical ways to take control of your health and therefore improve your lifestyle.

Our Holistic Health Therapies



Acupuncture is a natural treatment where fine needles are inserted through the skin at specific points to create a healing reaction that assists with the free flow of your Qi and balance of your Yin and Yang.

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Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine is an ancient holistic approach to health and embraces the ‘four levels’ of the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual body.

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Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy uses natural techniques which seek to unlock the potential of your mind and could allow you to take back control of your life.

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Visceral Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation relates to the internal organs of the body and uses gentle manual therapy that may aid your body’s ability to release restrictions that cause pain and dysfunction.

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Our Beginnings

The body is the universe within a universe, and that is what makes the body so magical. However, the magic does not stop there. The body may heal itself of disease and dis-ease if given the right opportunity. Traditional Chinese Medicine accentuates the integrity of the human body by collaborating with it holistically, from the root cause to its resulting symptom. One resonating principle Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches, is that there is a healer within each of us and our potential for health is by far more vast than we ever anticipate.

Ultra Health Therapies was born from a desire for collaboration of available therapies within this industry and with the exclusive focus on restoring health before the body reaches its tipping point. The practitioners at Ultra Health Therapies, all experienced in their own field, work together with the objective to encourage, educate, and enhance the possibility to restore the human condition in reaching its own best potential.

Since Ultra Health Therapies opened its doors in 2006, Founder and Director, Tracey Winter, has seen the practice grow in sync with the growth of her own skills as a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine. As a student of Traditional Chinese Medicine, she was exposed to Japanese acupuncture methods which resonated deeply with her. Following her dream, in 2006, she began her journey of studying Meridian Therapy at the Toyohari Association. Here she was taught by blind acupuncturists to understand the movement of Qi through palpation and enhanced listening skills. This training confirmed what she learned from her massage and visceral manipulation therapy teachers. All practitioners listen to the same messages from the body, but apply different techniques and perspectives for a focused holistic outcome. Different bodies may respond to different techniques. Therefore, at Ultra Health Therapies, we decided to grow our team to include an array of qualified practitioners who each pursue different aspects of holistic natural health. However, our focus single-mindedly targets your personal and individual health.

our beginnings
ultra health therapies gold coast

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is that optimum health is achieved through the balance of the body, mind, and soul. At Ultra Health Therapies, we believe that the client knows his/her body best, which is why our philosophy dictates that we listen first and treat second. Our supportive and individually tailored natural treatments empower each client to take control of their own health holistically. Therefore, our philosophy is and will remain to support you to live your optimum life, naturally!

Our Vision for the Future

Each individual is as different as their fingerprints, and a general cookie-cutter type of medicine simply does not fit all. Holistic natural health practices tailor each treatment to the individual needs of the client. No natural health treatment path can or will be the same, as it is not a one-size-fits-all approach. At Ultra Health Therapies, our caring and knowledgeable practitioners work together as a team to create unique treatment protocols for each of our clients on their journeys to optimum health. Our vision is to continue to grow, empower, and educate our clients around their health.

There is a Traditional Chinese Medicine saying that encapsulates this idea: “Where there is no movement, there is pain. Where there is movement, there is no pain”. Ultra Health Therapies is dedicated to working with you so that your inner healer can be released, because energy goes where intention flows.

We look forward to welcoming you into the Ultra Health Therapies community and supporting you on your journey to optimum health, naturally.

ultra health therapies' vision

“We provide supportive and tailored natural, holistic health therapies to empower you to take control of your health.”

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